Friday, 4 February 2011

McLaren MP4-26

Finally we have the MP4-26....


Well this is a very radical design we have here and I'm pleased to say that I love the shape of the McLaren. So lets start from the front and go backwards. The nose is higher, the side pods have been shaped like a U, there's a big vent just behind the air box and the side are very extremely shaped.

It's the same livery we've had since 2007 but that's not a complaint as I very much like it but I would like there to be some red on the edge of the engine cover.

My Prediction:
I really think we could be looking at the championship winning car here. I know it's a bit early to say that but from looking at it, it just looks like an incredibly fast car and we all know the capabilities of the drivers behind it's wheel.

Interesting Features:
Well there's a lot here. The first is the unusual L shaped side pods which is supposed to get more clean air to the rear wing, the big vent behind the air box which I have no idea what it does and finally is the exhaust which McLaren are very secretive with as they used fake plastic ones in the launch.

Remember to follow...

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